Frequently Asked Questions

Truth: I’m coming pretty close your FACE (and other sensitive bits) with some pointy objects.... You are going to have questions about what the heck I’m doing and how you’re going to look afterwards. I’ve answered many of the most common queries — but surprise me — ask me a question I’ve never heard before!



Q: What are you doing about COVID-19?

Here’s what I want you to consider: we treat you in intimate ways that potentiate infection. No surprise, right? Break the skin and it’s an invitation to unwanted guests. We stand close to you, and we touch your face. We are trained in infection prevention... it’s ingrained. 🤗

We have/will always wear and change gloves frequently (notice how many times I change my gloves during a procedure if I touch my phone for a photo, a cupboard door, etc). When you cough, we step away. Because we are polite, you likely don’t notice...we go get you a glass of water or turn to do something at our counter. We have all picked up actions/habits that are second nature (heaven/FACS 😉 help the child who places a jar lid on the counter wrong side down in my home 🤬) from having done our work for decades – RN, aesthetician, massage – infection control is second nature to us because it was DRILLED into us in our training and practised everyday of our careers.

Our clinic has been gutted, scrubbed, and put back together. And we will all enjoy a fresh start together, safely, in good health and humour! Yes, we have rules written and posted. They aren’t to patronize... we know you know what to do... but rather to serve as reminders.

We have even more forms for you to fill out. We have a super cool infrared thermometer to make it super simple for our greeter to do her thing. So to make a long story even longer; we are going to keep doing what we do with a couple more clothing pieces thrown in. We won’t be able to visit with you for as long as we like to, but we will get there. 


Q: What is the difference between Botox and Filler?

Botox is a drug made from a neurotoxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum called botulinum toxin. It is used medically to treat certain muscular conditions and cosmetically remove wrinkles by temporarily paralyzing muscles. Keep in mind that Botox is a trade name used interchangeably with other neuromodulators such as Xeomin!

Dermal Fillers are Hyaluronic Acid preparations which are injected below the surface of your skin to help restore volume and thereby smooth out deep facial wrinkles and folds that appear due to the body’s aging process. There are many different types of dermal fillers on the market today.  


Q: Will I look like a mannequin. Will my lips stick straight out. Am I going to look like those celebrities???

Jeez no! You are going to love your look. The more nervous you are, the more conservative we will be.  We’ll give you the mirror so that you can watch the process, or do the big reveal at the end.  It’s up to you. Chances are, nobody will notice that you’ve had anything done. Just stick with the standard “I’ve been sleeping well and drinking alot of water” and before you know it, all your friends will be looking to you for advice on how to sleep better.  Honest...You’re going to feel amazing.


Q: Will it hurt?

Pointy objects + Face = Maybe just a bit. We have a magic numbing cream that will help with the most sensitive areas. Typically, the upper face needs no numbing at all, although your head will for PRP injections. Lips are finicky, so if your plan is for some filler there, we’ll put the cream on while we chat. 


Q: I'm raising my kids to be self-confident and happy in their own skin. Why are you promoting this vanity insanity? 

Great question! Keep doing your good work with your kids, mom. We are all moms and are doing the same with ours. Truth is, like it or not, vanity has been around since fair maidens gazed at their reflections in tide pools.  Waists were cinched; toes were bound; berries were ground into make up. It’s evolved, certainly, just as tide pools have evolved into full length mirrors and selfie sticks.  

A most brilliant author (IMHO) wrote: “I am jealous of everything whose beauty does not die. I am jealous of the portrait you have painted of me. Why should it keep what I must lose? Every moment that passes takes something from me and gives something to it. Oh, if it were only the other way! If the picture could change, and I could be always what I am now! Why did you paint it? It will mock me some day—mock me horribly!”.  

So sorry Mr. Wilde and Mr. Grey. Had I been around in 1890, we would have sat you down in our white Princess chair, probed until you exposed your vulnerabilities, and become the friends who see you as you want to be seen... youthful, happy, charming and lovely. And then we would walk you over to the tide pool where you’d shed tears of delight at your reflection and we’d giggle together over your new-found self confidence.  

That said, there are special circumstances when we will not treat certain individuals. Read on...


Q: Are there some people that you won’t treat?

Yes! Anybody under the age of 18, unless ACCOMPANIED by a parent. We will give consideration to providing hair loss treatments to young folks once medical reasons for their alopecia are ruled out.  However, the silliness of lip augmention is reserved for the more mature age groups.

We also assess for Body Dysmorphic Disorder at every consultation and follow up appointment. If you find yourself “thinking about your real or perceived flaws for hours each day”, we will have an important discussion about expectations. Infrequently, we will conclude that we are not equipped to satisfy your needs. We will always be honest and kind, and won’t EVER take advantage of one’s emotional weaknesses for financial gain. Short answer: No, we can’t treat you if I suspect BDD.  

The other “taboo” subject that we address head on is your budget. If we suspect that your little kittens won’t be getting any milk this week because Mama had a wrinkle to fill, we will respectfully suggest that you come back when financially able. 


Q: Are chemical peels safe?

Yes. The chemical peels used by Pelham Medical Aesthetics are safe for most skin types and and tolerated very well by most people. There is always a small risk that any facial treatment may cause an adverse reaction. Please let your skin care professional know of all allergies and sensitivities. Also, adhere to the post-peel instructions provided at the time of your treatment. You WILL peel around 3 days following the procedure, so let’s plan your appointment around your social events and work.


Q: How many laser treatments will it take to get rid of my hair?

You’ll notice a big difference in the rate of your hair regrowth after your second treatment.  We will continue with monthly treatments until you are as smooth as the day you were born!3-6 treatments are typical, but there is a range depending on skin/hair type and growth phase of your hair at the time of treatment.


Q: How long does my hair have to be for the laser treatment?

Shave! Unlike traditional hair removal techniques, the laser doesn’t need a follicle to "grip".  Come in hair free for optimum comfort. Just no waxing or plucking. We are aware that it’s hard to reach your own back, so we will gladly shave the unreachable areas prior to your treatment.  


Q: Can you treat port wine birthmarks?

Absolutely! It will take a few treatments, but we will get that spot.


Q: My 13 year old has terrible acne. Is he too young for the laser?

Nope! In fact, starting now to control the active acne will change his life.  Better self esteem; eliminate the need for medication (in most cases); and prevent scarring... it will make the next few years much brighter for him AND for you.


Not sure what is the best treatment is for you?

Let's chat! Book a free consultation with me.